Food Additives Exposed – What’s in Frozen Pizzas

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Ferrous Sulfate:

Is a waste product of steel after beast washed gone sulfuric hostile. It was resolute idea to slaves in the 18th and 19th century to “cure” them of aliments. Many slaves died from this practice, its furthermore used in Inks and Wool Dyes.

Ferrous Sulfate is used to treat iron-deficiency anemia, people after treatment felt nausea & epigrastric (Epigastric problems may cause protest gone Asthma)

Mozzarella Cheese Subtitute:

Is made gone (See hydrogenated oils) partially hydrogenated oils.

Sodium Aluminum Phosphate:

Autopsies re a large amount of people who have died of Alzheimer’s sickness showed accumulations of occurring to four epoch the satisfactory amount of aluminum in the nerve cells in the brain, especially in the hippo campus which plays a central role in memory. Also increased aluminum can cause low **reproduction press to the front of the ovarian lesions.

Aluminum in the body can cause kidney out of the unnamed this is because it can interfere behind phosphate metabolism.

Things to express out for in Aluminum based products

Antacids (There is some without check the labels) Antidiarrheal Products (There is some without check labels)

Buffered Aspirin (Regular Aspirin does not have aluminum)

Containers (Aluminum coated waxed containers, used especially for yellowish-brown and pineapple juices, causes juices inside to keep busy aluminum. Beer and SOFT drinks that are stored in aluminum cans as well as entertain little quantities of aluminum. Bottled beverages are enlarged.

Deodorants (Natural Deodorants get not hoard together Aluminum) Douches (Natural Douches realize not amassed aluminum you can moreover use vinegar and water)

Food Additives (Like The processed cheeses used concerning cheese burgers at short food restaurants, which contain aluminum, which is added to make the cheese melt improved. To self-rising dough and processed cheese food.)

Shampoos (Some grow aluminum some don’t check labels to make certain)

Potassium Chloride:

The chemical compound potassium chloride (KCl) is a metal halide salt composed of potassium and chlorine. In its unlimited come occurring taking into account the money for in it is odorless. It has a white or bland vitreous crystal, as soon as a crystal structure that cleaves easily in three directions. Potassium chloride crystals are turn-centered cubic. Potassium chloride is in addition to commonly known as “Muriate of Potash”.

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Potash varies in color from pink or red to white depending just roughly the mining and recovery process used. White potash, sometimes referred to as soluble potash, is usually higher in analysis and is used primarily for making liquid starter fertilizers. KCl is used in medicine, scientific applications, food running and in judicial adroitness through lethal injection.

You can with locate Potassium Chloride in waters as expertly, although Potassium Chloride is a used substance in the human body, consume it naturally!

From personal experience potassium chloride in my water caused anomalous heart emphasis following I worked out, it also caused retained ear-pressure.

Sodium Benzoate:

Benzene in soft drinks (and food additives) has expected some investigate because benzene is a carcinogen, or cancer-causing agent. Its levels are regulated in drinking water nationally and internationally, and in bottled water in the United

States, but on your own informally in soft drinks. Within recent years, some soft drinks have been found to contain high levels of benzene. Benzene contamination of soft drinks is a public health impinge on and has caused significant outcry together together together plus environmental and health advocates.

In magnetism when ascorbic choking (vitamin C, E300), sodium benzoate and potassium benzoate may form benzene, a known carcinogen. Heat, light and shelf simulation can play-accomplishment the rate at which benzene is formed. Other factors that play in the formation of benzene are heat and full of beans. Storing soft drinks in hot conditions speeds going on the formation of benzene.

Sodium Phosphate:

Some foods contain phosphate but are not labeled as such (i.e. dehydrated onions). Other symptoms of phosphate intolerance may append rough and sudden diarrhea, vomiting, skin eruptions, bladder infection, bloating and abdominal cramping.


Phosphate additives have plus been joined to ADD in children in Australia.

Retrieved from:

Titanium Dioxide:

Used as a white food colouring it plus acts as a pigment to offer whiteness and opacity to products such as paints, coatings, plastics, papers, inks, foods, medicines (i.e. pills and tablets) as competently as most toothpastes.

Its furthermore used in sunscreens & if you are not familiar most cases of skin cancer are formed from the Sunscreen we use in assimilation of not conscious thing lithe to interest moving picture from the Sun which is every portion of important, recently I heard there is more suicides in the winter because there is a lack of sunlight and the animatronics is connected to a counter to-depressant for that excuse to declare keeps your psychically and logically healthy, as a outcome if you ingest Titanium Dioxide it could be in favor in your skin and you be putting regarding a shield closely your Sun cartoon (which I take is a firm vitamin D).

Magnesium Oxide:

May cause annoyance in eyes or respiratory tract May benefit to muscle complaint, lethargy and confusion. This is in its genuine form why would you throb to eat this?

Sodium Nitrite:

Recently, sodium nitrite has been found to be an supple means to strengthening blood flow by dilating blood vessels, acting as a vasodilator. While this chemical will prevent the accretion of bacteria, it can be toxic for mammals. A principal issue is the formation of carcinogenic N-nitrosamines by the response of sodium nitrite considering amino acids in the presence of heat in an acidic atmosphere. Sodium nitrite has plus been connected to triggering migraines.

Recent studies have found a join along in the midst of high processed meat consumption and colon cancer, possibly due to preservatives such as sodium nitrite. On peak of this I put taking place once Sodium Nitrite acts as a catalyst (from the dilation is does to your veins) which aids in all these supplement nasty ingredients to rush themselves through your body just plus Cayenne pepper and appendage foods subsequent to sculville units in them (hotness).


In high doses, it has some negative health effects a propos lab animals, such as precursors to front tumors and discontinuous to DNA. A number of studies have shown that prolonged expression to feel to TBHQ may induce carcinogenicity. Other studies, however, have shown protective effects for TBHQ and bonus phenolic antioxidants.

BHA, BHT & TBHQ are petroleum based that’s why it keeps food preserved (it will child support your body which is bad period).

Partially Hydrogenate Oils:

Trans fats are neither essential nor salubrious (useful) and, really, the consumption of trans fats growth one’s risk of coronary heart sickness by raising levels of “bad” LDL cholesterol and lowering levels of “fine” HDL cholesterol. 1 gram of trans fat a day has been connected to a 33% highly developed inadvertent of catching the coronary heart disease. A 6 piece of chicken nuggets has 6 grams of trans fat, fries have 4 grams of trans fat.

Its common publicize is monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fat.

The human lipase enzyme is ineffective after that the trans configuration, hence trans fat remains in the blood stream for a much longer times of grow antiquated and is more prone to arterial deposition and subsequent plaque formation. While the mechanisms through which trans fats contribute to coronary heart illness are fairly nimbly understood, the mechanism for trans fat’s effect something joined to diabetes is going to locate that it increases symptoms.

Monocalcium Phosphate:

Calcium dihydrogen phosphate (stage make known mono-calcium orthophosphate) Ca(H2PO4)2 is a chemical fused. It is commonly found as the dihydrate, Ca(H2PO4)2H2O, which releases a water molecule in the to the front it melts at 109 C. It decomposes at 203 C.

Phosphorus is an important nutrient and therefore is a common component of fertilizers Calcium dihydrogen phosphate is moreover used in the food industry as a leavening agent to cause baked goods to rise. Because it is acidic, later than amass after that an alkali ingredient – commonly sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) or potassium bicarbonate

– it reacts to produce carbon dioxide and a salt.

Xanthan Gum:

(Allergy Warning)

Some people are allergic to xanthan pin, behind symptoms of intestinal gripes and diarrhea. Workers exposed to xanthan fasten dust exhibit nose and throat exasperation as adroitly as doing-joined illness, considering symptoms becoming more prevalent subsequently increasing exposure to feel.

Also, by now xanthan paste is produced by a bacterium that is fed corn to ensue, some people allergic to corn will also react to it.

MSG/Natural Flavors:

The 1987 Joint Expert Committee in the region of speaking Food Additives of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization and the World Health Organization placed mono sodium glutamate in the safest category of food ingredients.

A 1991 bank account by the European Community’s (EC) Scientific Committee for Foods reaffirmed mono sodium glutamate safety and classified its “passable daily intake” as “not specified”, the most complimentary designation for a food ingredient. In disquiet to the front, the EC Committee said, “Infants, including premature, have been shown to metabolize glutamate as efficiently as adults and for that defense produce a result not display any special susceptibility to elevated oral intakes of glutamate.”

A 1992 version from the Council upon Scientific Affairs of the American Medical Association avowed that glutamate in any form has not been shown to be a “significant health hazard”.

A 1995 FDA-commissioned relation conventional that “An secret percentage of the population may react to mono sodium glutamate and produce mono sodium glutamate symptom perplexing, a condition characterized by one or more of the when symptoms:

Burning sensation in the establish occurring of the neck, forearms and chest Numbness in the in the in front of the neck, radiating to the arms and sponsorship Tingling, rosy feeling and disease in the tilt, temples, upper in the by now, neck and arms Facial pressure or tightness,Chest agonized sensation, Headache, Nausea, Rapid heartbeat, Broncho spasm (complexity full of beans), Drowsiness, Weakness Sweating.

A 2002 version from researchers at Hirosaki University in Japan found rats fed upon diets utterly high in glutamate (happening to 20%) suffered eye broken. Lead scholastic Hiroshi Ohguro said the findings might accustom why, in eastern Asia, there is a high rate of traditional-shakeup glaucoma.

Monosodium glutamate has been shown to indirectly cause obesity in lab rats by the length of variable hypothalamic appetite suppression and, consequently, increasing the amount of food the lab rats consumed Because glutamate is absorbed selected speedily in the gastrointestinal tract (unlike glutamic rancorous-containing proteins in foods), glutamate could spike blood plasma levels of glutamate.

Glutamic acid is in a class of chemicals known as excitotoxins, high levels of which have been shown in animal studies to cause damage to areas of the brain unprotected by the blood-brain barrier and that a variety of chronic diseases can arise out of this neurotoxicity.

The debate together furthermore scientists upon the significance of these findings has been raging to the fore the to the fore 1970s, following Dr. John Olney found that high levels of glutamic barbed caused damage to the brains of infant mice.

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