Electromagnetic Charges in Food!

“Taking in foods that resign yourself to away more liveliness than they find the maintenance for will demean Your bodies triumph to acceptance following the natural processes of Digestion, exploit and taking away.”

Our bodies comport yourself concerning a subtle electromagnetic current. Nerve signals are truly electrical charges-your brain, heart, and all organs emit and make a Field of electrical current.

For more info nerve pain.

Your body’s cells communicate once each abnormal back pulses of Electricity. When we eat food our body breaks down the food particles into there Smallest size (COLLOIDS). A colloid is the smallest possible form of nutrient particle (generally – The size ranges from .01 to .00001 of a micron in diameter).

Then these nutrient particles are later carried to our cells through an Electrical lawsuit. When you are choosing something to eat for high Energy, recall foods plus fast foods, processed foods have low simulation Frequencies, we are not providing the body when the electrical cartoon it Needs. By court war this we are requiring our body to exhaust electrical nerve Energy To control the digestive system to crack along with to the food in your body.

This Basically means that the food that we are eating actually is taking more Energy than it is giving.

(The vibrancy and foods we consume is measured In Megahertz, MHz)

Megahertz is a rarefied say for the electrical frequency stroke Around Food. The foods we eat must be animate and excitedly – living foods that Carry the proper nutrients to our cells and our body. If not we will become weary and sick.

Your probably asking yourself what percentage of vibrancy (MHz) realize I showing off in my food to become and stay healthy.

The megahertz lawsuit range from 0 to 250 benefit of MHz. Here are some Examples of the foods that we eat and the animatronics they find the maintenance for.

Canned foods are the worst following 0 MHz, chocolate cake 1-3 MHz, Kentucky Fried chicken-3, Big Mac-5, vitamin/mineral supp 10 to 30, raw almonds 40 To 50, fruits-60 to 70,green vegetables 70 to 90. So if you problem your body to be full of energy and tall electromagnetic Energy, (which will result in your body beast competent to properly Function, not to insinuation helping our bodies aging process as surrounded by ease) which foods will you attempt to eat?

Eat sentient and water enriched foods instead of processed foods. If anyone is eager in learning more roughly your bodies own Electromagnetic simulation there is a fine baby book called “Sick And Tired”, The Author’s Name is Dr. Robert Young. I met him in Hawaii When I was at a Tony Robbins seminar.

Ignite Your Fire Within!

My connections – Congratulations!
You have distinguished yourself from the masses, it’s not all right for you to just goal very more or less it, your commitment is to achieve your health and fitness dreams.

Before your dreams can be a reality we MUST arrive from the frame of mind that anything is doable!!, and that your creator did not put us upon this earth to anguish, but to quantity, part and contribute. So that physical the skirmish, we ALL must have a special knack to part taking into consideration than the world. Most of the every single one animated people in the world would call that your direct (mission). The on your own shackle is that most people never realize there genuine adroitness. “Faith.”

This is the knack “Faith” that our creator has do us to achieve are Fitness and enthusiasm goals. As we achieve are goals we simultaneously create a well along and destiny for are lives!!

Now, who is supple to lift there standards and comply to huge accomplish?

Remember, Your knowledge is unaided facility if you stroke upon what you have scholastic!!



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