Wildlife in Trondheim, Norway

There are many species of wild animals in Norway such as: Elks, lynx, squirrels, Adders,wolves, foxes, roa deer, snakes, deer, natural world, insects, wild cats, badger and bears.

Most of these animals are not risky as long as they don’t feel threatened, especially during the mating and giving birth seasons.

You can go occurring to the mountains, woods,forests, fjords without mammal frightened just about getting foul language by wild animals.

Elks are the largest animals in Norwegian woods. The male adult elk can be occurring to 240 cm high and weigh 850 kg.

Many Norwegians who have hunting permissions and licenses go for hunting during the hunting season in slip and winter.

Elk hunting behind dog( hound) is an old tradition. Norwegians regard as brute it as a suitable training. Some of the elk hounds are born to be colossal hunters!

Do you know why elks have fur? The defense is that fur save them hot and some era they even have fur in this area their horns! Such elks are poorly and dependence medical attention. Elks can be enormously ambition if they atmosphere threatened! Some people state elks are the forest nihilist!

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Reindeer or caribou hunters are immense at finding the caribou.They sense their smell in the mood or follow their traces. In Norway there are various types of elk hunting such as:



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