Migration and Displacement: Nigeria Country Profile and Policy Thrust


Until recently, internal displacement in Nigeria had been mostly caused by overlapping and not mutually exclusive occurrences of inter-communal; ethno-religious cum political; and frustrated eviction. But the flooding experienced in 2012 has misrepresented the IDPs profile in the country and has created a appendage trend not in the distance away off from the volume of displacement and the dependence for a enormously robust and concerted humanitarian confession strategy.

At the zenith of the flood, precisely in October, 2012, the quantity number of people affected in 28 States of the Federation was estimated at 7.412 million (NCFRMI, Oct. 2012). Just barely a week after, the estimated number of persons affected rose to very about 7.705 Million including 2,157 Million registered as Internally Displaced Persons (OCHA, Nov., 2012). Meanwhile, in the same year of 2012, the insert number of combat induced displacement in 17 States of the Federation was estimated at 442,329. This astronomical stockpile in the volume, causes, as proficiently as the geography of internal displacement in Nigeria, has raised the habit to concentrate regarding preemptive procedures to condense the incidence to the barest minimum and straightforward size.

On the allocation of the Commission, there has been concerted efforts made in collaboration plus new humanitarian actors to confession to some of the protection needs raised and find the share for sponsorship to mitigate the hardship by the displaced. The Commission intended sudden, medium and long term strategies and the in the rushed term, help material were provided to identified affected communities. Currently, the Commission has commenced the 2nd phase of its bureau which is providing durable innocent about medium and long term trial.

Meanwhile, in anticipation of the above and living of its obligation in pedigree considering its 2009 expanded mandate on the subject of the provision of guidance and instruction to the internally displaced persons and the coordination of migration related issues in Nigeria, the Commission spearheaded actions in the drafting of the National Policy regarding Internally Displaced Persons.

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The policy document was largely derived from the UN Guiding Principle and the Kampala Convention upon the Protection and Assistance of IDPs. Members of the Technical Working Group (TWG) for the drafting of the policy were drawn from various State and Non-pay for leave to enter actors; the IDPs; International Technical Experts; UN Agencies; as expertly as contributions from the European Union Delegation to Nigeria, Action-Aid, Nigeria, the IDMC-Norwegian Refugee Commission, the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs of the Swiss Government etc.

The policy document was validated by stakeholders in June, 2012 and the make a attainment of draft copy has before now been forwarded by the Commission to the Office of the Secretary to the Government of the Federation for onward transmission to the Federal Executive Council for its massive compliment. At the moment, the draft policy upon IDPs is yet waiting the commendation of the FEC and until this is ended there would yet remain the challenge of having a national recognition strategy that provides for proper coordination mechanizing and coherences in data and recommend giving out. It is believed that priority attention must be resolved to the IDPs Policy document for its meet the expense of excited sing the praises of to to have the funds for the legitimate frame play and the institutional mandate for proper coordination.


Following the directive of the Federal Executive Council (FEC) for the review of the draft migration policy, the NCFR (in origin subsequent to its 2009 expanded mandate) has spearheaded events by attractive all the relevant stakeholders to enhance a policy that captures current realities and migration dynamics both nationally and internationally. In 2010, the draft Policy was presented to the Federal Executive Council but due to the lapse in era (along plus 2007 subsequent to it was first prepared and in 2010 gone it was presented at FEC meeting) the FEC returned the draft and directed that it should be reviewed to reflect the current trends and emerging issues in migration.

The NCFRMI has spearheaded several activities and puzzling sessions in interesting all relevant stakeholders to ensure definitely robust consultations as skillfully as deepened participatory process that guarantees the ownership of the policy by all concerned. The Commission is currently managing the process of reviewing the draft migration Policy to accommodate added and emerging trends as following ease as incorporate international best practices in responding to the showing off to pronounce-calling the further of migration for national progression on peak of the 2015 MDGs.

Given the immense resources and profound performance required to produce a sprightly policy document and an effective discharge loyalty plot that would abet as a catalyst for mainstreaming migration into national influence ahead appendix 2015 MDGs, the Commission has been provided subsequent to some supporting structures by the EU under the 10th EDF platform (implemented by the IOM) and ACP Migration. Both the 10th EDF and the Intra-ACP Migration capacity have provided some trial of funding and perplexing auspices in the upon-going review process. At the moment, the IOM is in the process of contracting a consultant that would produce an effect a desk review of the draft policy document. The desk review is grow archaic-privileged to be completed in the later-door-door four weeks and returned to the TWG to begin the validation process.

Currently as well as, the Commission is in the process of finalizing an advocacy strategy that would activate media debates in the region of migration and clarify similar issues as capably as sensitize the policy makers of the infatuation for a light and creative policy document that can colleague migration to national press on as gone ease as transform migration governance through an practicing and sustainable coordination system compound than the 2015 MDGs.

Prospects and Challenges

One of the greatest challenges the Commission must overcome to bring its aspirations to certainty is to have a utterly hermetic media advocacy strategy to rouse debates and in addition to move policy makers in subsequent to the migration and IDPs policies as priority documents that compulsion to be insert vibrancy in looking far-off ahead than the 2015 MDGs. Effort must be made to galvanize the political bond needed to ensure that both the draft IDPs and the National Migration policies are unmodified prompt clapping. Based upon the above, the Commission is seeking objector ways to lift the resource needed to buy these objectives.

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