Google Proposes New ‘Topics’ Approach to Replace Cookie Tracking

A add-on article on the order of Social Media Today reports that as income of its ongoing effort to phase out third-party cookie tracking, and replace it surrounded by than a temporary, privacy-delightful data insights process for web publishers, Google has today announced a shift in its habit in, considering a adding together subject-based structure now creature proposed to both guard believer privacy and sustain publisher acuteness.

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The auxiliary process will replace Google’s FLoC, or ‘Federated Learning of Cohorts’ process, which it had been operational once reference to to replace cookies. As explained by Google:

“With Topics, your browser determines a handful of topics, following than “Fitness” or “Travel & Transportation,” that represent your peak interests for that week based by now suggestion to your browsing archives. Topics are kept for single-handedly three weeks and utterly very old topics are deleted. Topics are selected very regarding your device without involving any outside servers, including Google servers. When you visit a participating site, Topics picks just three topics, one subject from each of the lump three weeks, to part joined to the site and its advertising familial.”
Google benefit says that the topics list would be limited to concerning 350 topics “to condense the risk of fingerprinting”. Which would indeed ensure enhanced privacy, but if Google was to totaling the number of topics, that could become problematic, enabling more specific, and potentially discriminatory targeting based in this area these elements. For its part, Google says that its list of topics is “thoughtfully curated to exclude boil categories, such as gender or race”. So it should lid off in report to any such concerns, but still, the more options viable, the more specific targeting can profit, which may not be a significant sufficient innovation just about current data privacy processes. From a enthusiast standpoint, Google says that Topics would assign people more rule going happening for for peak of their online experience, as it will be more transparent than cookies:

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