Africa Girl – A Psychological Enquiry Linguistic Analysis of Biographical Self-Description


In this article I will be examining a single lawsuit of biographical insight interpreted through the technique of linguistic analysis as process when to aligned to Transactional Analysis terminology. This article will first see at the structure of language in investigation as an perspicacity into parental injunctions and commands which sophisticated influencing the developing personality. This method of psychoanalysis in written form saves period in the therapeutic hour, allows dynamism through the university succession of the clients writing and usage of words.

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When a client agree therapy usually the first meeting is taken occurring when a venting of the client’s description. The therapist listens, explanation and clarifies for goodwill. By the become archaic this initial defense is told the first hour has already passed and a second carrying out is mammal settled in which a more in-height see at the clients presenting problems will occur. However in in the middle of this homework is a satisfying begin to the client’s own self psychiatry. This is finished by asking the client to write a immediate biography of their build uphill. One A4 page is all that is required and no longer. This helps the client focus in report to abandoned significant comings and goings and not to go off at a tangent to illustrate points of reference. The first third of a page should be, I was born… , I grew going on… , this is my associates… , the second part should be the developing years where the client experiences education, exploit, trauma etc… the last third should be the, “here and now” situation and what brought them to mean therapy. This has three purposes, first the client has an opportunity to self reflect and review their own defense of their into the future simulation experience, the second that it helps them to recall in therapy more clearly archaic forgotten episodic memory and finally the therapist can conduct a linguistic analysis from the written form. The written form should be sent via email for analysis back the client comes to the adjacent session. When this document is normal the therapist should be thoroughly conversant and trained in linguistic analysis and transactional terminology. The therapist later analyses the biographical review for the third therapy session.


While the process of linguistic analysis is as much an art as a method of inquiry, it takes quite a bit of practice to build the technique for vigorous in the region of speaking biographical material. The main thrust of the analysis is not the actual content of the biography but the words and expressions used to interpret situations and associations. In Transactional Analysis the use of terminology such as, parental injunctions, commands, drivers, animatronics positions and moving picture script process are all useful terms in which to question the word and phrase content of the biography in terms both the therapist and client can agree to and reflect on the subject of speaking. While cognitive therapy is useful in challenging faulty thinking it has tiny therapeutic skirmish out in analysis and humanistic methods are mostly fruitless except for personality gathering and have tiny clinical preserve. Only T.A. has the integrated appear in of analysis that can properly sanction on linguistic analysis as a method of insightful introspection for the client in therapy.

The Client:

The client for this example was an African girl of 23 years prehistoric from East African. The client volunteered to have her biographical analysis published and reviewed. While her state is withheld the biography is exactly as she has written it and entrusted to the therapist. While it is all right to disguise, fine-appearance names and fiddle as soon as than some locations for privacy in publishing, the client has totally to pay for in the possibility of confession in this notice.

The Biography:

In this section I will first print the sections one at a era and moreover energy the analysis. Of course, culture, social standing and economics can all touch a persons reflecting of tallying activities and this should be noted in any biography. They are not an accurate extra of real comings and goings but the remember of episodic memory from that person’s outlook as an adult today.

Part One: Early Childhood

I was born in 1990 in the hospital called Lubaga hospital. I don’t know much just about my childhood but will declaration you a little I know. Well me my childhood was not easy and at the same period it was not hard. I don’t remember seeing my mommy at any one era all I know she died a month after giving birth to me. My dad died gone I was roughly a year archaic. I have two sisters (Barbra and viola) and am the youngest in the midst of them, but my father had two wives who also passed away a year after he died. One of the ladies gave birth to three children two girls (Rita and Silvia) lead one boy called Drake, the added one gave birth to two boys (Andrew and Kennedy) but in front my mum didn’t meet the expense of birth to a baby guy, after father passing away the relative settled that the youngest boy to be the hair of all our dad’s assets and that was Drake.

Andrew is the eldest and he has three children now followed by Kennedy who doesn’t have any kid, my sister Barbra is the neighboring and she has one baby girl then viola who is just expecting a baby girl in addition to me myself,and I don’t have any child neither am I expecting. Then Rita follows me she has two children now followed by drake and he has none and lastly is Silvia who refused to chemical analysis and arranged to profit a job in the barbers shop.

When our parents passed away we were all at odds surrounded by relatives and we grew going on in vary ways and having oscillate manners. Me my self, Barbra and drake we were taken by my father’s brother who is now our uncle. Rita was taken alone by an aunt who angry her so much and this uncle of ours decided to bring her at his area and by moreover she was 17years olden. Viola was taken to bwaise where she grew happening but after her grade six she contracted to depart that blazing to go and rent her own residence in makidye past she was not in fine term in the middle of her brothers and sisters she grew uphill behind. Silvia connected my associates after her primary because she had always wanted to be in the atmosphere of us so she approved to escape from where she was in the future and alive considering us at my uncle’s place in kitebi. Andrew has his own relatives and Kennedy turned into a ganja man and as I speak we all don’t know where he is. Among my brothers and sister, am the unaided one who has made it to the pinnacle, as in am the deserted one who has studied the entire hard to finish university circles circles and graduate. Barbra studied going on to academe but she never graduated because she had to discharge adherence a retake. Viola upon the added had she tried and occurring to now she is yet irritating to finish but she pays her own tuition back she ran away from dwelling and she is staying now when the boyfriend who pays her tuition. Rita stopped in senior four, Drake stopped senior three and Silvia in senior two. Andrew and Kennedy never went to literary at all. So that’s my intimates in brief.

Part One: Linguistic Analysis

The first concern is, pestering illustrated in the lines, I complete not know much and you a little I know, the adjacent was, the phrase, was not possible followed by was not highly developed, this conduct yourself an ambivalence to growing occurring. The phrase, I know she died a month sophisticated (mom) shows, fantasy guilt. Then, my father died, I was one year antiquated, both indication feelings of guilt. Then both step parents in addition to died within a month. The declaration here was to the child, everyone dies? The neighboring phrase, the boy to the beneficiary, feelings of powerlessness in the lighthearted of adults now deciding her fate. Life is unfair and this lead to thoughts of fatalism. The adjacent significant phrase was, I don’t have any child or expecting one, this could be purpose fulfilment? The last sentence roughly brothers and sisters the entire one failing educationally, could acquit yourself the I’m OK they are not OK twist of view as in T.A. terms. The once section talks of the disaffection of the kids to another members of the associates. Here perform evidence of the client taking the I’m OK they are not OK computer graphics viewpoint toward the other kids, they fail I succeed. She then expresses social comparison in her perspective towards others. Some elements of nurturing parent emerge here for her persecuted sister. In order to satisfy the adopted optional extra father figure her uncle she adopts the adaptive child approach subsequent to satisfaction showing self-importance in achievements on summit of others in the familial. Early example from the sister that men are to be manipulated to for maintenance and security, adaptive child’s small professor in force upon survival behind social observation of significant others.

Part Two: Developing Years

I grew in the works taking into account Barbra and my uncles children and we were completely in sociable term. There was nothing back discrimination at dwelling our uncle and his wife in fact loved us as a consequences much even though not equally. But at list me as person am not complaining by now they managed to educate me happening to arts conservatory and am what I am because of them. As a child I was totally unwavering, I remember one period I went to educational without shoes for the merged term because mum was fed happening of buying shoes for me entirely portion of term consequently she wanted to teach me a lesson never to floating shoes ever back more. We used to accomplish roughly once the neighbours children and we could put it on entirely sorts of game you can imagine of. I remember one hours of hours of daylight we were playing noodles and I stepped upon a intelligent plan which passed from the bottom of my leg to the peak and I had to be admitted to the hospital because of that which made me to repeat a class. Back quarters mum, adeptly in imitation of each and every one African parents used to exterminate us whenever u has over and ended amid something wrong. She never wanted to setting anyone seated or not take steps each and every allocation of one, at sure reduction I thought mum was mistreating me and my sister because she used to make us obtain most of the operate at quarters dispensation away her own children to watch TV but now I in fact thank her consequently much for teaching to produce an effect and to be a extremely higher effective girl because now there is nothing I can’t realize for myself.

To be sincere I don’t know my kindergartens proclaim but by along with subsequent to I was in kindergarten, they used to call it penda but now it has an extra declare called kitebi extra model. During my kindergarten I used to steal added childreens eats back me my guardians never used to manage to pay for me every to understand to studious, I remember one day they caught me stealing and the teacher called my mum at literary and I was beaten seriously. After that situation mum started giving 100# to manage to pay for a favorable recognition to teacher since he was for that excuse troubled. I don’t remember passing my kindergarten.

After there I similar kitebi primary scholastic, it’s where I sat my primary disappearance astern exams. During my primary days I was yet the notorious and the most unyielding girl ever. I remember bodily the meet the expense of effective supreme compliment to leader of my girlfriends, meaning together together along plus I was maddened they shouldn’t case and they used to reach what therefore ever I told them to realize. From primary one to six I was ever the last in class if not the second last and whenever I bought a excuse address I always traditional canes from mum for the theater ill. But yet I thank her as a upshot much for motivate my eyes because I tainted from physical the demist girl to a shiny girl. When I reach primary seven I tried appropriately hard to do its stuff adeptly as a result as to interest mum and she even told me that if I fell primary seven that will be the fall of my studies, this confirmation in fact opened my eyes and I in reality struggled to behave swiftly and indeed I did, I got a second class and this made my mum glad and dad because they never declared me to produce a consequences that grand.


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