“When Will You Find Love?”

So many clients who are unattached and agonized sensation ask the archaic ask, “When will I locate esteem?” It’s actually a enjoyable astrological question, and can be seen in Western astrology by many exchange patterns. Let’s see at some of them. Of course, the most obvious item to control the subject of is Venus, the planet of worship. (For “progressed”, think auxiliary or solar arc.)


Progressed Venus conjunct Natal Sun (or vice versa, Progressed Sun conjunct Natal Venus) is usually the best indicator of a year following the universe throws entry the doors and love walks into your vigor, and considering you would attraction substitute to you who has passionate feelings for you. This is a period in simulation once you would not be meant to be alone. However, the be ashore on aspire may not be a demonstrative or enduring one. My stroke studies ventilate that, in one instance, this pattern identified the era that a child was adopted by a never-married single parent (the child brute the definite soul mate ), and in different, the pattern rangy to a esteem affair that put the fiddle subsequent to nail in a disintegrating marriage and set the individual on the subject of speaking an important liveliness path… but did not outcome in marriage. In the former matter, the mother then had Progressed Venus entering H7 (choice obvious prognosticator) and conjuncting the Natal Part of Fortune therein, and in the latter, the relationship could be seen in retrospect as an important soul involve on even if not intended to consequences in permanence. Progressed Venus conjunct Progressed Sun (or vice versa, Progressed Sun conjunct Progressed Venus) is certainly same in flora and fauna, as would be Progressed Venus conjunct ruler of H7. In the latter war, the flora and fauna of the planet acting as ruler would greatly influence the type of membership formed. For example, if Saturn, possibly an older or deafening belt; if Mercury, a younger or comprehensible type.

Likewise, Progressed Venus conjunct Sun/ or Moon/Descendant midpoint, Progressed Sun conjunct Venus/Descendant midpoint, or Progressed Ascendant or Descendant conjunct Sun/ Venus midpoint would along with be suitable indicators of a epoch in the vivaciousness-clock during which a loved one might appear. (My observation is that this quest for idolization isn’t in fact roughly romance, because that’s not always lasting. The concrete thing seems to be roughly permanence in be grounded on – that is, marriage or a surviving association – as a result I’ll focus upon H7 rather than H5.)

Conversely, Progressed Sun conjunct Venus/Ascendant midpoint might signal a high regard relationship (depending upon the rulerships of the Sun or Venus), but might just as easily indicate a become pass of comfort, self-adoration and personal embellishment. For those who take pursuit after that declinations, same indicators would in addition to been seen by Sun/Venus, Venus/Ascendant or Venus/MC parallels. For more info nexus.

Of course, should any of these sweet aspects occur at a no evaluate teenager age, their minister to will be beautiful much wasted in terms of longterm attachments, but there are stories of teenagers bonding as soon as a friend or neighbor who well ahead becomes their legitimate praise… or at least their lifelong buddy.

A Venusian expansion to itself – that is, Progressed Venus conjunct Natal Venus – can on your own occur subsequent to the Natal Venus is retrograde at birth, and subsequently turns focus on during the lifetime, or plus a Natal (talk to) Venus turns retrograde. And in front Venus’ retrograde lasts approximately 43 days (suitably, 43 years by encroachment), swine born closest to its stationing would best ensure plenty time for this compensation to occur. Such a epoch will highlight the flora and fauna of Venus’ natal significance at the associated period that it brings its Venusian qualities to the forefront. If natally adroitly-aspected, happiness can be brought take in hand; if afflicted, financial, glowing, or indulgency problems can be emphasized.


But besides these obvious involvements of Venus, there are count conducive patterns as competently. Slightly less obvious are:

Whenever the angles are in disagreement following Venus or H7, there is a pleasurable unintended of adore appearing in one’s cartoon, such as Progressed Ascendant/Descendant strongly aspecting Natal or Progressed Venus or ruler of H7, usually a unlimited signal for marriage, or Progressed MC strongly aspecting Natal or Progressed Venus or ruler of H7, other pleasant era for elevate, even though the aspects are hard (because, after all, how hard can a Venus aspect be?). In fact, either of these would be fabulous to schedule a wedding on, as would Progressed ruler of H7 strongly aspecting Natal or Progressed Venus. Even a less obvious aspect, such as Ruler of H7 in a practicable aspect to an angle or a elevate-linked planet, might predispose to a marriage-type dynamism.

A Progressed Venus in major aspect to Natal Neptune is frequently found at time of indulgent bureau such as weddings, but tends to glamorize the emotions and cloud the reality of the relationship. Such unions will tilt greater-than-passable trials a propos the longevity of the marriage, but can the entire survive the strengthening if an effort is made after its passage to negotiation when the less-than-ideal characteristics of the fashion collaborator in crime that would afterward be revealed.

Then there are indicators for relationship that just generally emphasize its potential, such as Progressed Moon into Libra or H7, or Progressed planets into H7, or even the Involvement of the Vertex behind found in H7. (The Vertex, normally found in Houses 5-8, by my observation works as a fulcrum nearly which key comings and goings are shaped; as a outcome, if in H7, key partnerships will be accented subsequent to the Vertex is activated.) If the natal chart has planets in H7, progressions or outer planet transits to them will definitely accentuate dealings (but such horoscopes will always be dealing considering associates – or outcome of the nonattendance thereof – as that was portion of the dynamism object). Venus-Moon patterns often consequences in an individual’s general contentment, but realize not necessarily engagement admiring involvement; sometimes they signal the birth of children.

In regards to arbitration in a relationship along with formed, sky to one belt’s Progressed Venus tracking different’s Progressed Sun, and vice versa, or both Progressed Venuses tracking each adding taking place (a business not always shown by conjunctions in addition to comparative Venuses in the natal charts, forward this occurrence will be certain by the age difference together together with the two individuals as skillfully as their natal patterns). Of course, the topic of synastry is a sever one, to be applied after a relationship has been formed in order to analyze the determined and negative potential in the middle of the two horoscopes, and therefore does not slip into the parameters of this article.


Finally, there are patterns that might spark elevate, but find the money for the least long-term assurance of permanence:

Transiting outer planets conjunct Natal or Progressed Venus or ruler of H7 will bring out the qualities of these planets, but can be repulsive or fleeting just as easily as the opposite, depending upon the meaning of the transiting planet or the natal potential of the transited planet. For example, Uranus once more Venus might lend an carefree but impermanent admire experience even if Saturn could be either restrictive or massive. Neptune would probably cause delusional fantasies more or less the fashion association in crime or bring a lackluster or compromised person into one’s cartoon whom one would drive to rescue. And Pluto, of course, would likely come occurring in addition to the child support for a powerfully transformative experience that could revise one’s admittance to sex, adulation or money for all time! Transiting outer planets into H7, upon the new hand, would likely pull attention to the obsession to accord nearby taking into account others, but far afield and wide less likely, the arrival of respect.


Anyone who trusts in the truths of astrology should discard for all time the unease that aging ruins your chances for high regard. It’s a myth. For example, I had a 70-year-antiquated-fashioned female client, an performer, who found a suitor behind her Progressed Sun was sextile her Ascendant even though her Progressed Venus was opposite her Moon, and his Progressed Venus was trine his Neptune, crossing his South Node. (The latter pattern shows a adoration-association from prior lifetimes.) Once intended to occur (by any of these afore- mentioned patterns), the universe will mass satisfying lengths to put two people together. People will meet “accidentally” or upon formless trips to places they will never revisit, or will be introduced by a third party who will never anew produce an effect either of their lives. Coincidence or synchronicity will abound, and the non-astrologer will remain shocked by such “luck,” whereas the astrologer will agreement knowingly as the Divine Plan is revealed through cosmic mathematics.

When one of these patterns kicks into your chart, you’ll watch the entrance of esteem entry broad in your heart. But it will be going on to you to save its ember kindled thereafter. One caveat, though: as I said to the lead, Venus symbolizes adoration, not necessarily in the middle of two admiring buddies. I have several examples in my files in which one of these patterns brought a soul-mate into the simulation in the form of a beloved child. Venus can furthermore symbolize pleasure and financial wellbeing. The right see eye to eye can even bring affable financial conditions along taking into consideration lionize (such as marrying ably), if the horoscope predisposes. But if the natal chart doesn’t realize hence, subsequently favorable Venusian aspects will bring subsidiary types of wonder (such as the above-mentioned never-married adopter whose sophisticated Natal Sagittarius Sun/Moon/Saturn t-square precluded marital possibilities in the incarnation).

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